Being cocooned in your bubble of life with only your mind to assist you

Greg Middleton
8 min readMay 3, 2020


In my last self-published book “Has Religion Killed God,” I wrote about this thing I called our “bubble of life.” It was an original idea of mine that came to me as I was meditating one day about just how different each of us is. We are born in different times and places so there is hardly anything that we experience exactly the same over any given period of time. Even identical twins have individual minds so how they process their thoughts and experiences would be different for them also. Every person is cocooned in his or her individual bubble of life.

This bubble I speak of is basically about your thought world that has you and your mind as the star of the show along with the various things you allow to come into your bubble. Since your mind goes through a long and arduous evolving process it thinks it is “who” you are. If you don’t realize that your mind is simply a tool to be used in order to process life then chances you believe that your mind is you because it makes all your decisions for you. Because of this, the Bible cautions us to be in control over our minds because it might lead us down pathways that are not godly and not even good at times. Paul, the writer of the Book of Romans tell us in chapter 12:2:

“Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is — his good, pleasing, and perfect will.”

Even if you go to a therapist or a psychologist they will let you know that the mind tends to play tricks on you in order to get you to do certain things. You don’t really need to pay anyone for that advice because your mom or your siblings would tell you the same thing. Why do you think crazy people do crazy things out of the norm? It is because something in their minds convinced them to do what they did. It is quite clear that in this bubble of life we can also trap demons and all sorts of unsavory elements in with us. If we do not use some sort of cautionary measures there is no telling what our minds might have us do. We need healthy interventions into our bubbles of life in order to keep our minds sane and healthy because you are the gatekeeper of your mind. If you are not aware of what is coming into the mind then you are most vulnerable to both unscrupulous people here on the earth or even worse, evil demons from the dark side of the spiritual kingdom.

“For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” Ephesians 6:12

Since there are many of you who do not read or study scripture I will attempt to speak in more common terms such as in this “bubble of life” that you should be able to understand better. Ever since you were born you have been in this bubble that contains you, your mind, and other people, forces, teachings, teachers, media outlets, books, nursery rhymes, what he or she said; your guardian’s instructions, and even your secrets that you tell no one about because you are ashamed of having such thoughts about doing such things. All of this is contained in your bubble of life that you sit in for as long as you are alive. Again, if you do not allow anyone in that could teach you how to process all that stuff that comes through your mind you might be in a “world of trouble.” This is because the mind does not know how to make rational decisions unless it is taught to do so. Therefore you must do as apostle Paul cautioned, become transformed by the renewing of the mind. Bring someone or something into your bubble that can help you deal with matters that you might otherwise try to hide when you do not know how to properly process such thoughts.

Sitting in your bubble of life can be like being trapped in a cage with a wild animal. Since you have been in that cage all of your life you might have gotten to know that wild beast and it knows you so there are probably good days when you can tame the beast and there are other days when the beast takes control over you and cause you to make poor decisions. Hopefully, there are more good days than bad because if not our prison systems and mental institutions would be overfilled with people that had more bad days than good… many of whom just haven’t got caught. There are scores of others like child predators, human traffickers, robbers and thieves, rapists, perverts, drunks, and a few others that parade around in sheep’s clothing but are really ferocious wolves and roaring lions awaiting the opportunity to prey upon innocent victims. Many are walking amongst us as free as a bird seeking prey to devour.

I consider myself one of the fortunate that was introduced to God at an early age. Inside my bubble with me, there has always been this notion of God. Even with that said there were times when the thought of God was scary also because depending upon how one was raised, if you were taught that He will send you to hell if you were naughty, that would play tricks on a child’s mind. If you were taught that God was the good one then He was not as scary because your mind thought of Him as an ally rather than a fire and brimstone God. As you read many of the Old Testament books God did not fool around with His people when they got out of line. Even though He was a great Father and protector of His people they paid dearly when they sinned against Him. Imagine trying to hide from the Creator of the entire universe. But on the other hand, if God is in your bubble with you… you could hide behind Him for protection from some of those other scary elements that were in your bubble with you. This depends upon your knowledge of Almighty God. Even though there is technically no place to hide from God… there would be no reason to seek a hiding place unless you are up to no good.

Can you imagine the billions of people from all around the world that live in their individual bubbles that have no one to assist them in processing their life experiences? Life can be cruel because people can be cruel. There are children being raised in homes by parents who don’t know how to raise children. There are children of drug addicts, perverts, and even children of crazy deranged people who themselves were raised from childhood trapped in their bubbles with essentially no one to help them. If there were no godlike characters introduced into their lives what happens to people like that? They are essentially trapped in their cages (bubbles of life) alone.

In this life, we have the poor that have no resources to turn to for help. Not only that… children that grow in neighborhoods where there is high crime go through experiences that they do not know how to process. They lack resources to help them process what they are experiencing in life. It is not just the poor but even some rich kids grow up with very bad parents. They experience hell because they do not know how to process what life is revealing to them. Their hell is not about lack of things but about lack of tender loving care. So many people are trapped in their bubbles of life and don’t know how to process what life is feeding them. If their minds are the only tool they have in their cocoon with them where is the hope they can rely upon?

Unless you have walked a mile in someone’s shoes you have no idea what they are experiencing. It is not about how much others have or don’t have but more about what is allowed to get into their bubbles of life. Are there healthy resources or people that are allowed in to teach them how to process their life experiences? Is the notion of God introduced at an early enough stage that His spirit is in that cage with them? Did a schoolteacher, a clergyman, a coach, an uncle or aunt, or a childhood friend shows up in their lives that gave them a crutch to lean upon and assist them in processing what seeped into their bubbles? There are times when God sends his earthly angels or even ones from heaven to assist His children that He claims as His own. They are not left alone subject to the fate of the winds. They have help from the living God.

So you might not be a spiritual or religious person but I can assure you that you live in your life’s bubble. Hopefully, you have resources to assist you in processing the many experiences life constantly throws at you. You might have a few friends that you feel comfortable with or a few relatives that you can lean upon and share what is going on with you. I did not mention the shady clergymen that some relied upon that took advantage of people in need, especially the children. God will deal with them quite severely for what they did to His own. God word says:

“Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” Matthew 25:40

He also said:

“Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.” Matthew 25:45

Although we grieve for those who suffer at the hands of unscrupulous predators and wolves parading around in sheep’s clothing, they have their day coming when they would wish to be alive again with a chance to redeem themselves because after this life comes judgment. Every knee shall bow and confess to their Maker about all the things that did while alive. They’ll be required to make restitution to God on their eternal souls.

We really need to learn to be nice to one another because who knows what they are going through in their bubbles of life. You don’t know if they have someone in there with them that helps them process what life is taking them through. If God is in there I am confident that nothing can separate them from God’s tender loving care.

“For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons,[k] neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, 39 neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 8:38–39

Let those who are in God know that they are not alone… God is in their bubbles of life with them as a refuge and as a friend in indeed. Let those who have ears to hear receive a message from the Lord… Selah!



Greg Middleton
Greg Middleton

Written by Greg Middleton

Greg is a prolific writer of books, essays, blogs, and videos where he shares his opinions on life. Visit Straight Talk with Greg on YouTube.

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