Breaking Through the Bondage of Sin
Sin has most of us in bondage. For a lifetime we accumulated an arsenal of sin therefore the stain of sin is clearly visible casting over our souls. Our mortal enemy knows this and holds it against us. We, on the other hand, feel unworthy of God’s grace and thereby ashamed to come before His altar. In that sense, the enemy wins.
However, what you may not realize is that the enemy has no real power over you. He has only the limited power that God allows him, which is basically to deceive you until you realize where the real and only power IS, which is in Almighty God alone. Once you know Who God is and ask Him to open up the eyes of your understanding, the cast of sin is broken. The chains of sin are unleashed and fall to the wayside. The enemy knows this and fears the day when the scales of shame are removed. He sees your eyes wide open, so he flees. He knows that he doesn’t need to run very far because like you once were, there are numerous other souls that are still as blind as you were. They remain vulnerable. He goes to the next unsuspecting victims to set up shop. The devil knows that he cannot remain in a temple where the Holy Spirit is present.
We break the bondage of sin once we open our hearts to God and confess all the sins that we have carried over the many years. The reason why the enemy is allowed to remain in us is that he still sees his handiwork in us. All those sins are the fruit of his sinful handyworks, which causes the separation from Almighty God. Once those chains are broken, he has no power over us, so, therefore, he tucks his tail and runs.
Here is the verdict: You know that you have sinned and that perhaps those skeletons are still remaining in your closet (heart) unforgiven. The devil knows that also and more importantly God knows it as well. What does an all-knowing God do? Obviously, He already knows what the final outcome will be, so He doesn’t have to rush. The devil doesn’t know this so he does all that he can to make sure the person doesn’t learn this vital secret. He uses every trick in his arsenal to deceive you. Remember, he is the father of lies. That is the most powerful weapon he uses against God’s people. And, guess what… it still works as it has since the very beginning of time until God says, “THAT’S ENOUGH!” Then he flees.
So, what are we to make of this? It appears that we don’t really wake up to this sin disease until we are filled to capacity. Until your cup runs over with sin you see no need to change your sinful ways. Are we to continue to sin using the excuse that the evil one has power over us, so it is not really our fault? Do we just keep on sinning waiting on God to come to our rescue? Absolutely not! Yes, God allows the enemy to deceive us, but He also knows what He placed in you at birth. If you belong to Him, you are no longer your own but a product of God. You are His handiwork and therefore in you is the spirit that is yet to awaken and realize where you are. God sends out a call to you drawing you back to Him. That is a signal you must respond to in order to break the spell of sin otherwise the enemy continues to deceive you. Even a message such as this could be a call from God urging you to wake up and heed His call.
This so reminds me of the book of Job where the devil was allowed to continue plague Job. God said he (the devil) only had limited power over Job. God knew from the beginning who Job was and what he was capable of sustaining. In fact, Job had more faith in God than anyone around him at that time because all his friends and family wanted him to curse God so the spell could be removed. Job refused so in the end Job won, God won, and the devil tucked his tail and ran just as he still does today.
Sin only has power over us if we continue to carry those skeletons in our closets. Once we stand naked before God and give our all to Him, our sins are washed away by the blood of Christ Jesus. Once forgiven God only sees the blood of Christ as in the Passover. What the blood of Christ does, the devil cannot penetrate. God made it that way so all people would be able to return to Him just for the asking. All they need to do is to humble themselves to God and ask Him to remove the chains of sin that binds. Once you are sincere and ready for change there is nothing on the earth, or below the earth or even in heaven that can separate you from the love of God through the blood of Christ.
Unfortunately, this valuable lesson seems to only come with wisdom, but it doesn’t have to be that way. God is standing by all the while waiting on your cry and then He comes quickly to save. King David came to a similar point in his life when he wrote Psalm 139.
7 Where can I go from Your Spirit?
Or where can I flee from Your presence?
8 If I ascend into heaven, You are there;
If I make my bed in hell, behold, You are there.
9 If I take the wings of the morning,
And dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea,
10 Even there Your hand shall lead me,
And Your right hand shall hold me.
I encourage you to read the entire chapter because it is most powerful, potent, and revealing as to who we are in God. He formed our innermost parts and covered us in our mother’s womb. Nothing about us is hidden from our heavenly Father. The same David also wrote Psalm 70 asking the Lord to come quickly to save him from his enemies, one earth and in the heavens.
Hasten, O God, to save me;
come quickly, Lord, to help me.
2 May those who want to take my life
be put to shame and confusion;
may all who desire my ruin
be turned back in disgrace.
Fortunately, we have so many examples of how to break the spell of sin over us written in the Word of God (the Holy Bible) that is perhaps our most valuable and priceless offensive weapon against the craftiness of our mortal enemy. The Lord will come quickly help and save us from this beast, but we only need to ask, and it shall be given unto you. More of Psalm 70:
But may all who seek you
rejoice and be glad in you;
may those who long for your saving help always say,
“The Lord is great!”
5 But as for me, I am poor and needy;
come quickly to me, O God.
You are my help and my deliverer;
Lord, do not delay.
Your heavenly Father is waiting on your cry for help and He will not delay. All praise and glory to Almighty God in the name of His Most Precious Son, it is by His blood that we are covered. The bondage of sin is removed through the blood of Christ. Selah!