God Don’t Like Ugly
With a title such as this, I was trying to decide whether I would express my views via historical, technical, spiritual, scriptural or just use plain common sense language. The latter would seem to be more appropriate because this saying is derived from that manner of thought. It implies that if you just keep on doing wrong eventually something will catch up with your wrongdoings. Giving God the credit for being the creator of all things then we would assume that He is not just going to sit back and allow ugliness to keep doing things that are just plain wrong. In this case, the term “ugly” can be translated into actions that are just plain wrong in a godly sense.
If you take a look at our society using your common sense you will notice that things such as morals, ethics, common decency, truth, valor, respect, rules, and in many cases even the laws are being ignored. We are living in a society where almost anything goes that one feels they can get away with doing or saying. Things that were once considered unspeakable or even deplorable, are now being ignored or accepted as “being cool.” Being bad is now cheered because a lot of people want to buck the system. Today when someone goes against the system they are cheered rather than chastised. In this manner, it appears that ugliness gets away with being bad.
This kind of behavior from ordinary citizens shouldn’t be such a big deal unless it expresses the sentiments of the majority of the people. When it is more fashionable to be one of the “bad” or “cool” people and most of the people go along with that view we have drifted far away from what God considers to be righteous behavior, and into what God considers to be ugly behavior. Mind you I am not using judgmental or technical analogies here but only speaking in common sense terms. You don’t have to agree with my analogies and you really don’t have to continue reading this article but for those that continue reading, you will get the message intended at the end. You really don’t have to believe in God to understand the message here either.
Take a look at what has become more popular with our youth. They spend more time with their gadgets concentrating on activities and gossip that does not edify the soul and spirit, but the opposite. Look at the games they play that are associated with violence. Listen to the music they play that is not really morally uplifting. Look at what the media programs are promoting? When they are on social media it is not about learning common decency but about putting others down.
When families gather today in most neighborhoods people pull out their smartphones or tablets play games, listen to their favorite songs, or to check in with their social media. No one spends time catching up with family members making sure everyone is doing okay because they are more concerned about their social networks rather than the love of family members. Young children are not learning from their parents because they know how to use these smart gadgets so parents leave them alone with their gadgets because it is cheaper than a babysitter and it allows the parents to do other more important things such as pay more attention to their social media or work arenas leaving the children to their own devices.
Do you think God would express these kinds of behaviors as ugly or as righteous behavior? You do remember what was said about what you do to the little ones? It also mentioned what you do not do for the little ones you do not unto me.
I can’t imagine where society is headed up about 20 years into the future when these little ones grow to become adults who basically raised themselves with smart gadgets. They are becoming desensitized to violence because of the games they play. Imagine running over someone who you got into a dispute about something? They are learning how to knock out the opponent and show no emotions because it is only a game. If that is what they learned since early childhood what else do we expect from them? Children only learn to mimic what they see others do even if the others are video games, movie characters, cartoon characters and the like. How are they to distinguish reality from entertainment unless a parent teaches them moral values or otherwise train the child in the ways of right and wrong? We don’t need to wait 20 years in the future because we have a generation now that are becoming adults that were raised on their smart gadgets.
A lot of people are complaining about our political leaders and what they are or are not doing. They are not the cause but the reflection. The leaders do not lead they reflect the values of the populace. The only way they get elected is because the people elect them into power. The politicians will do and say anything to the people in order to win their votes because they know that once they get into office all they have to do is keep on lying or promising things that they cannot achieve. The people got what they wished for, they picked the candidate that promised them what they wanted to hear. It has nothing to do with being analytical or right? Politicians learn how to play the game and some people just go along with the game they are playing not realizing that they are mere ponds in the chess game of life that affects their welfare, but do the politicians care? To much is given, much is expected. What do you think God will do to those of whom He allows to come into power making decisions over His people? Do you suppose God thinks they are cool or that they are being ugly?
For those of you who are Bible scholars or historians, look back through the past and see the numerous times when the people collectively turned ugly and how they were dealt with. The entire Old Testament is about God’s chosen people turning against God and how He allowed them to suffer because of their ugliness. God warned them of what would happen if they did certain things and they continued doing these things that God warned them not to do. In many cases, entire villages were wiped out including women and children, livestock and the very land they lived on. These were God’s own chosen people. God doesn’t like ugly and He allows ugliness to reap its own reward. It was not God who punishes, but the will of the people that determined their own fate. God actually mourned for them!
He said to them: “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then I will hear from heaven and forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” The people, His people, did not take heed so they suffered from the choices they made. God simply allowed the hands they played to manifest its own reward. God doesn’t like ugly but it is not God that punishes… it is the ugliness that has its own reward. This has been the case throughout the history of mankind when they get too far away from common decency God allows ugly to achieve its own reward and the people suffer because of the choices they made. Look at the plagues, the famine, the floods, the pandemics… all were the results of mankind getting too ugly so it bought down its own reward. Can you even imagine what we have coming down the pipeline with what we see as acceptable behavior in today’s society? It will not be God that punishes the people but the people that earn their just rewards for the choices they make or do not make.
What we see happening in the world right now is the rewards of the choices that people are condoning as acceptable behavior that will ultimately reap its own just rewards. The leaders that are in power are the ones who placate to what the majority of the people deem to be most popular or acceptable. Politicians say what you want to hear. It is not about what is good for the people but what is the will of the people. If that is what they choose then that is ultimately what unfolds… but just know, it is the will of the people that dictate the just rewards of the choices they make.
To this day God still says to the people who He accepts as His children:
“If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then I will hear from heaven and forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”
Are the people ready to heed such a warning or are they merely concerned about being cool or popular? Storm clouds are gathering across the four corners of the land, which means a fierce storm is approaching. But just know that it is not God that punishes, it is the will of the people that determine their own fate. Unfortunately, it will rain on the just and the unjust all the same. The only difference is God protects the souls of the ones that He accepts as His faithful children. God don’t like ugly! Be ready! Let those who have ears hear the word… Selah!