Here I am! I stand outside your door and knock…
“Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and dine with that person, and they with me.” Revelations 3:20
Have you really taken it to heart what this scripture is saying to us! The Lord says very clearly and without doubt or hesitation that, “Here I AM!” First of all, you don’t need to hear this voice from inside your ears or in your mind because the Lord had it printed hundreds of years ago in His instruction book to us. You can pick up a Bible and read the words with your eyes. However, just reading these words alone does not usually do it for most people because their spirit is still asleep. For many, it is just words printed on paper. They don’t actually hear the voice of our Lord speaking inside their spirit and soul at times perhaps actually shouting if necessary. “HERE I AM!” If your soul is remotely awakened you might vaguely hear a quiet whisper that says, “Here I am.” This quiet still voice requires you to strain to listen because the Lord wants you to be still and really listen for Him through all the noise that comes from the world you are living in… and through the body of flesh that you are inhabiting. You need to strain to hear Him through the cares of the world that takes up most of your attention. He wants you to be still and really listen for Him because that forces you to shut out all the rest of the chatter around you. When you be still then you can really hear Him, the Spirit.
Think about it for a second. If you knew that the Lord was standing outside your front door knocking at this very moment… what would you do? Other than FREAK OUT you would probably panic because you would probably think that you were about ready to die. The next thing you might consider is; are you ready to die and go home to be with the Lord. Others might think… have I done enough good in order to go to heaven? After about a million guesses and panic thoughts, you might reluctantly go to the door and ask who is it. If He says, “I AM THE LORD YOUR GOD!”, you would probably FREAK OUT even more but eventually, you would let Him in and hopefully be a gracious host asking Him all the questions of Him that you would want to know about how you are doing with God and what more that you need to do for the present now?
Do you not know that in the spiritual reality He is doing just what that scripture says right now? He is standing right outside your spiritual door that blocks the spiritual chambers where your soul and spirit reside in your carnal body and offering to come inside your life and dine with you. The word “dine” could also mean “feast” and the word “feast” could mean to share good nourishments with you, which are the essentials of life and the instructions from God. He will tell you how you are to fulfill your divine purposes for being here on earth. Many people are waiting to have this supernatural experience with something appearing from the heavens when the Lord is right now knocking outside your spiritual heart and soul. He is asking you to open the door and to willingly invite Him into your life. If you are too distracted by all the noise that emanates from the world of flesh (your mind and body) you will not be able to distinguish His voice. Consequently, if you do not hear His invitation there would be no reason to let Him in. There would be no there… there! But for those who can hear the invitation somehow you would invite the Lord inside to dine with you. If you are reading this message it is perhaps because He is right outside your door right at this very moment offering you the opportunity to dine with Him.
Another part of that scripture that I usually do not think about as much was revealed to me as well in the next two verses, 21–22, but let’s take them one at a time.
21: “To the one who is victorious, I will give the right to sit with me on my throne, just as I was victorious and sat down with my Father on his throne.”
He said to the one who is victorious, I will give the right to sit with me on my throne. What does he mean about the one who is victorious? Could it mean to the ones who follow His commands that He will open the doors of heaven for you? Victory only comes through Christ so if you do not know Christ where does that leave you? If you do not know Christ then you will be left out of your place with Him on His throne. That position is not open to all alike. Heaven is not a place that all will enter but if you allow the Lord to come in and dine with you… then He will tell you all about what needs to be done and also show you how to do what is necessary. He will even carry you on His back (cross) with Him.
So victory does not necessarily come through what we do or what we do not do, but through allowing the Lord to come in and dine with us. You have the free will to deny Him entry if that is your desire but a seat with Him on His throne is what is at stake. It is the grand prize of all prizes. He (the Lord) continued to say that just as I was victorious and sat down with my Father on His throne, you will be there with us as well. Can you even imagine sitting on the throne with the Father and the Son in His heavenly abode?!!!
“Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, Nor have entered into the heart of man. The things which God has prepared for those who love Him.”
I will not even begin to paint such a picture for you. But I do know that it is a place that I want to go and be with our Lord forever and ever so I’m all in. Personally I am opening the door as fast as I can and sitting to dine with my Lord for as long as it takes to receive His complete instructions down to the smallest detail. Not everyone will do that! Why is it a mystery? Perhaps the final verse answers that question?
22. “Whoever has ears, let them hear what the Spirit says to the churches.” Christ would say that a lot when He was amongst us speaking to His many followers. Whoever has ears, let them hear the message. It goes back up to where I was speaking about the ears that are not our physical ears where we hear audible utterances. But instead, it is the spiritual ears that are stored outside the chambers of your spiritual heart, which is the soul and spirit that indwells in you. The churches is referring to the body of believers… not the buildings made by the hands of man. Those buildings will crumble but the church that is God’s dwelling shall remain forever and ever. So only those who God knows will open the door in order to receive His messages and instructions are called the children of God. They are the churches that He is speaking to in this passage.
Not everyone will take the time to read such a long message as this but they do need to find a way to hear and follow the Lord’s instructions. The need to find a way to be still in order to hear that quiet whisper coming from outside their door. The Lord is reaching out to you at this very moment.
22 Whoever has ears, let them hear what the Spirit says to the churches.” Selah!