I’m Sick and Tired of Being SICK AND TIRED
Our 45th President likes to brag about being number one and being the best in what he does. Many people will refute his claims, but I think it’s about time to start giving 45 the credit he deserves. In the history of this nation, there has never ever been a sitting president that has singularly caused so much consternation among the citizens of this country. There is more tension, fear, violence, racism, division among the people, hatred, and lying to the people all the time. There has never been a sitting president that has attempted to break down the very building blocks that made this country special. Many federal institutions that have protected this nation for years are under attack by this one president. So give this egotistical narcissus president his credits so he can gloat in them.
How many people wake up in the morning think that we are much better off as a united nation than they were before this man took residence in the oval office? Some might think that they are better off as in being racially divided, but there is no national unity in racial division. Make America Great is synonymous with taking America back to the days when white privilege was the rule. They want their lily-white neighborhoods with no people of color or immigrants living near them. They want people of color to serve and fear them: To stand in the back of the line until whites have taken all they want to take. They want to eat “high on the hog” and leave the guts, pig feet, pig ears, and the inner organs to the people of color. They want to siphon all the goods off the top and leave the leftovers to non-whites. So yes, there are people who wake up in the morning thinking they got just the right man for the job and they love him as a king.
But for people who love decency, morality, civility, peace, brotherly kindness, being good neighbors, helping others in need, or just getting along in society, these last four has been a living nightmare. Each day you wake up not knowing how low this sitting president will sink. Has there ever been another president that has taken the reign and ran the country in the ditch day-after-day? He always lies to the people, mostly to the ones that revere him because decent people know a lie when they see or hear one. This man doesn’t even try to hide his lies because he knows they have been recorded in one of his many rants of interviews because he loves being seen on camera and speaks freely from his heart that only says what makes him feel good: They are nearly always lies. To those who support him, that is what they want to hear so they cheer him or make excuses as to why they choose to believe in his lies.
To be clear, our president is counting on the people who love him believing in his lies because to those who oppose him see right through him. We know he is lying! Just in case one of them actually read this essay I feel it my civic duty to let them know that he is counting on their ignorance. He is counting on them being too stupid to even recognize a lie if it hit them squarely in the face, which it does dozens of times every day. Do they actually realize the comments that he makes about them off-camera? He feels that these people will do anything that he wants them to do and believe whatever he tells them. That is the definition of stupidity, knowing something is a lie and still choosing to believe it to be true.
I do not call all his supporters stupid because some of them actually have a different agenda. Many of them are quite intelligent. They like what he brings to them such as tax cuts for the wealthiest citizens or federal judges that will promote white privilege. Some of them know that through this man they can remain in their positions of power riding on his coattails so there is nothing he can do too wrong that trumps over them remaining in power.
By the way, when I use the term “white privilege” or “white people,” I am not attempting to categorize all Caucasians in one basket. Perhaps a better term would be white bigots because there are bigots and racists in every race. Besides most educated white people do not like this idiot president. Most of them would classify this man as an idiot and an embarrassment to any race. He just happens to be a spoiled rich “white” man that looks orange. In fact, even his close family members are coming out publicly denouncing him. When your own blood relatives speak unkindly about you then you know you have reached a new low. He doesn’t care!
I feel sorry for the people in this man’s orbit that stick around as long as they can, thinking they are the last defense against total insanity by protecting our nation from sinking even lower than it has on an international stage. Even our international friends and allies know that he does not represent the entire nation. But he has exposed much of the underbelly of this nation that needs exposing. We have a lot of internal mess to straighten out!
Perhaps there is a silver lining to this dark cloud? This racism against people of color has always been dead wrong, unjust, and ungodly. It has lasted far too long in the history of this nation, from the very beginning. Such things have to be dealt with and dealt with sharply and immediately! So thanks Mr. President for exposing our faults. We will become better because you taught us what not to do and how not to behave. You are perhaps the best example of what not to mirror. In that, you are an example of a reverse role model that one never wants to imitate. So that is another best ever or first place winner you can add to your trophy case.
Most of America is sick and tired of being sick and tired so could you please take all your praise and the billions of dollars that you say you have and buy you an island somewhere where you can invite all your followers and they can continue to praise you and treat you as their king and kiss your behind the way you like it kissed. In the meanwhile, America has a lot of fixing to do and a lot of fences to mend that you broke while in the oval office. This nation will never be the same as it was before you took office. I am confident that it will truly become a better nation. I guess in a way we owe it all to you so add that to your trophy case of making us better because you showed us how bad we could be with a person such as you as a national leader.
I see daylight ahead. The frozen block of fear is beginning to thaw. A gentle breeze of peace is just around the bend. What we wouldn’t give for just one day without you belly-farting in the oval office with your bombastic foul mouth. Oh, excuse me for my unkind words. Usually, I try to find nice things to say about people but with you, I can’t seem to find one good thing to say. So let me give you kudos for being the best at what you do and the first of your kind, hoping never to see another one like you in my lifetime. My sickness might be going away soon.
Please forgive me for my ungodly tone!