Is Heaven and Hell Real?
Many people think that both heaven and hell are only manmade fantasies. Even some who claim to be religious feel it is just something to encourage or scare people into acting in their best behavior. Common perception states that if you are a good person you will go to heaven and if you are a bad person you go to hell. Most children that grow up in a religious household learn this basic fundamental at an early age and it stays with them throughout life. Although your perception of both places may change with maturity, the essential stigma stays the same; good — heaven, and bad — hell.
We must realize that information and knowledge is more accessible to laymen than it was in times of old. During the pre-biblical and Old Testament times, the general population could neither read nor write. Most people learned by either experience or from mouth to ear. Children learn from their elders and passed it on to their children. On top of that, most people did not possess the wisdom to challenge what they were taught. Fear was the main factor in controlling the behaviors of mankind. Just the thought of going to a place of eternal fires would make some people think before they did wrong, if only temporarily. However, the thought of going to heaven may not have had the same impact. Sure there was the possibility of a reward after you die but such a thought was not accompanied by the emotion of fear. Joy does not make one respond or react the same way as does fear.
Since our perceptions of heaven and hell are usually instilled within us during childhood you have to also take into consideration how young minds react to things as opposed to a more mature mind. Children frighten easier than adults so the thought of heaven and hell usually leaves a lasting impression upon them even when they are fully grown. Even so, the notion of both are usually tucked in the mind as somewhat of a mystical fantasy. One could easily categorize it into the same way we deal with Santa Clause, the Easter bunny, or other childhood fantasies. Seldom do we view heaven and hell as something that is physically real. To do so you would also have to believe in the rest of the characters that inhabit both places such as God, Jesus, Angels, the devil, demons, and other demonic creatures from the dark side of the heavenly realm. Most rather not allow their minds to go that deep.
Why is it that we have such a hard time in believing in the reality of heaven and hell? Though we claim to believe in God we do not act as if God is always present in our lives. We may worship Him through our religion but bringing God at the forefront of our conscious minds is not the norm. We think of God up in some high foreign place looking down on the earth. In truth, God is right here with us on earth and in those that have accepted Him by faith. You are indwelled with the Holy Spirit if you have accepted Christ as your Savior. That means that God is literally in you and here on earth as He is also in heaven. Think about that for a moment.
Knowing t the Spirit of God resides in the soul of a living person should make one always be on their best behavior. Still, that is not the case for most of us. We live mostly according to our fleshly and mental desires leaving the Spirit of God far back in our subconscious minds. In essence, the Spirit never leaves His servants but we cause a separation in our minds by ignoring His presence. Although we abandon God… He does not abandon us.
Most of what I just stated in the previous paragraph was actually said by Christ Himself. Christ told us that He would leave us with a helpmate in John 14:16 and in John 15: 16. He said I will never leave you nor forsake you in Hebrews 13:5. There are many promises God made to us if we accept Him but such promises are all for naught if you do not believe that God is real. He could promise you the world but if you do not believe in His promises they are useless. Imagine if someone gave you the most expensive car of your dreams but they hid it from you and never told you about the gift. It would be worthless to you even though it could be technically yours free and clear. As good, great, and even magnificent as God and His heavenly abode might be, you have to believe in Him in order to reap its benefits.
On the other side of the coin, even though we respond to fear more readily than joy, credence of the evil realm seems to be less palatable. More people would tend to believe in God and not accept the fact that there is a prince of darkness. There is a ruler over the dark side of the spiritual kingdom. Few people believe in demons other than in movies. It is said that the greatest trick the devil has ever played on mankind it to convince them that he does not exist. When you do not believe that such a power is real you don’t see the need to protect yourself from something that you do not accept as being real. Though we delight in entertaining the thought of God… belief in the devil is not as prevalent.
The Bible also cautions us of the presence of this power and principality. Jesus was challenged by the devil when He went out into the desert to meditate and pray as noted in Matthew 4 and Mark 1. According to the written Word of God, this spirit is very real and it also threatens us. If you are not aware of such an evil power does, that mean that you are immune to its power? Absolutely not! You are even more vulnerable because he gets to operate in people without resistance primarily because they do not believe in his power. In 1 Peter 5: 8 Peter said: “Your adversary, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.” This is very graphic but the only problem is that such creatures are invisible to us unless we see them operate through mortal people.
If you have a Bible concordance you can look up Satan or the devil and find many scriptures. Anyone that has already started their spiritual journey could probably tell you about the resistance they encountered as they tried to fully commit themselves to God. Certain things happen that are inexplicable. Acknowledging such powers does not mean that you practice evil but that you are aware of their presence. By doing so you take the proper precautions to protect your soul from demise. If you knew that a thief was coming to rob your house as a particular time you would take precautions to protect your possessions. Likewise knowing the devil is coming to rob, steal, and kill you requires that you take precautions to protect your (soul) self.
In the universe, there are polar opposites. For one power to exist it is supported by the opposite power. Both are necessary in order to maintain existence. It is the Yin and Yang theory. Even though God has an adversary, his power is not equal to God. God is supreme over all existence because He created it.
The answer to my title question is ABSOLUTELY YES! Both heaven and hell are real. Our awareness or lack thereof does not shield us from either power. God is there to protect you while His adversary is out to destroy you. There are people that do not want to even consider the reality of either power. That is well and good but that doesn’t mean that these powers are not interested in you. If you do not believe in God chances are that His adversary already has his tentacles around you. There would be no need to threaten you if you do not proclaim or profess to believe in God. Once you make a commitment towards God then you are a threat to the power of evil. Their function is to steal, kill, and destroy mortal souls. “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” John 10:10
Christ said” “I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for his sheep.” He also says: “I know my sheep and my sheep know me.”
As you may have noticed I use the Word of God, which is called the Holy Scriptures, as my reference source. I believe that the Word of God contains the living Spirit of God and therefore for me, I inequitably believe in what it teaches. If you do not believe in the bible then chances are you will not fully believe in God or His adversary and that is your right. Perhaps you don’t feel that you need God and that too is a choice. How ironic it is that eternal life starts after mortal death. There are no do-overs so once you are out of the body then you will know one way or the other. Believers tunnel towards one pathway and unbelievers the opposite. Just how strong is your unbelief? I leave you with that thought. Selah!