Stop playing politics and start helping the people
After years of dividing our nation along political lines, economic lines, religious lines, culture lines, age, sex and other divides, the times dictate that we come together as people and work towards achieving our common welfare. When Republicans and Democrats die their bodies are the same dead. A dead gay person is the same as a dead straight person. Dead is dead but alive is an entirely different condition. What is at hand now is keeping as many people alive as possible no matter what their differences might be. Placing blame on others for our current condition is not the order of business for such trying times? The majority of the population will more than likely live through this ordeal. There will be time to revert back to their divisive nature later. For now, we must choose love over division and take care of each other. Hate will not heal our situation, only love can conquer what we are facing and heal this ailing world. This would be a great time for people from all around the world to experience what love can achieve… dare we desire to keep the flames of love flowing further into our future.
Politicians have become very divisive. This is not indignant of just one country but this spirit of incivility seems to hover all around the globe. People are actually demonizing others of different ideologies, principals, cultures, races, and even moral practices. What we are facing today could be the results of using such dark powers that reflect the worse of our human attributes, such as anger, hate, fear, envy, spite, debauchery, immorality, and the like. We are witnessing the fruit growing from planting these dark seeds. If we continue such practices things will get worse. We have ripped deep wounds in the stream of consciousness from which we all fed. Life is itself a living entity that has properties, rules, boundaries and the like. When there is a tear in its delicate balance it will respond. Either we get back in a correct position or there will be hell to pay.
unfortunately, most of the populace is not that finely tuned to the pulsing life emits. People who are spiritually awake know this entity to be the same as what some refer to as God. Without defining what God means to everyone alike I will refer to this force as life, nature, or other entities that the common mind readily accepts. When you mention God, many people separate back into their corners, which will not assist us in solving our mutual problem right here and right now. Though God is Supreme, if the use of the term God is offensive to the very people that need help, it would be better to worship in silence rather than run them away. God needs no defense from us. But an attitude and willingness to respect others would be the start of moving in the right direction. Such an attitude seems to have disappeared from our politicians and the entire political arena.
Let’s cut right to the heart of the matter. We need to find ways to stop playing the political positioning game and place the lives and welfare of people first. It matters not if they believe different, act differently, look different or, they are different. Life is more important than our differences. Why our elected officials do not recognize this has to deal with how the field of politics works. It is important to understand how politicians operate in order to understand why they seem to make decisions that place their philosophy and principles over the welfare of their fellow human beings.
In our system of government we, the people, get to choose our elected officials. That means that they are beholding to the people or entities responsible for putting them in office. They were chosen specifically because they expressed the views of the people that voted for them. We must also recognize the role of super packs that run massive campaigns to convince people to vote one way or another. Once politicians are in their elected offices they must attempt to cater to the people that put them there. If that means voting against something that appears to be for the common good, their vote is not based upon what is right, moral, decent or even for the common good… they are obliged to vote in the manner of the people that put them in office. This is just politics 101. So when you see your elected official exercise their power, it is usually to support the views of those that put them in office.
In truth, the majority of the people no longer controls our system of government for the most part. There are huge conglomerates that know the game and play it expertly sparing no expense. The tactics they use has nothing to deal with fairness but more about power and control. In fact, they would rather you not know them or see them because it would expose their game. They want you to believe that it was your vote that elected the officials and that officials are really looking out for the people. Obviously there is a lot of corruption in large governing bodies and in truth, there are very powerful people that sit in very high offices that are playing a game of chess using the people as ponds. This is not conspiracy theories or fake news but reality. The use of the term fake news is used intentionally to divert the attention from what is really happening right before our eyes. It causes you to doubt what you actually believe, which usually has nothing to do with facts or truth. Their success is tabulated in wealth or power, not the welfare of the people.
The natural conflict here is the fact that most ordinary people want to trust in their leaders and believe they are actually doing what is right, decent and best for the welfare of the citizens. Most have a moral core because they were indoctrinated as such from early childhood. In essence, the majority are tuned to accepting what is right, decent and best for the welfare of others but the rich and powerful people, the less than 1% control the 99% of the rest of the population so the cards are not equally stacked by design. Though we might hope it to be otherwise, NOT!
The next catch 22 is that the belief in God is associated with what is right, decent and best for the welfare of the people. The problem with this picture is the fact that money and power are not necessarily driven by godly attributes because in order to obtain great wealth and power you have to be willing to bend or break certain rules. That means the wealthy (less than 1% of the population) play by one set of rules and the 99% play by another set of rules. God’s rules are almost opposite of worldly rules so if you are a godly person you are usually on the lower side of the equation, by design. Does this mean that we are to forget about godliness and start playing by ungodly rules… absolutely not! God does not allow His children the option of straddling the fence. You are either for or against God and there is no middle ground. This is not to say that all rich and powerful people are ungodly but when you roll in the mud it is most difficult not to get muddy but some are successful at doing so.
Christ said that is it harder for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven than it is for a camel to go through the eye of a needle. That should tell you something. If you are a godly person it is possible to play by righteous rules and gain wealth and power but that is not the norm. It is not the obtaining of wealth that is the problem but maintaining wealth and power once you acquire that taste and lifestyle. I heard one billionaire say that he made all his money honestly and now he wants to give it all away… good for him! How many of you would do the same?
Another axiom is that in order to be successful at any game it helps to know the rules of the game. Until you climb up to the upper floors you have no idea what the rules of the game are. You can guess or speculate but being in the game requires knowledge and understanding. Remaining in the game requires wisdom but not always in ways that are godly. In order to understand the world of politics and to successfully play the game, you have to know the players and the rules and be in the backroom conversation with the major players. How many ordinary citizens have memberships into that select club?
So here is the deal… the world doesn’t operate in a manner that you would hope for because of the elements that control the games that are being played. The fact that people are divided is intentional because those in power want to remain in power and they do that by controlling the distribution of wealth and power. To believe otherwise is just naive. Knowledge is power so knowing all this stuff gives you the opportunity to place yourself in a position strategically to reap what you sow. Unfortunately, it does not appear that we can trust politicians with agendas that do not look out for our personal welfare. If they care more about power and politics than people, then place your reliance upon a much higher source than is within their control. They forgot what is printed on the paper they so cherish… In God we Trust!
It is no accident that most people believe in a sense of fairness, doing what is right and decent, and looking out for the common welfare because such notions were placed in humankind by their Creator. The problem is that the narrative has drifted and devious people in power use politics to tell you what to think, how and whom to believe, and it is done strategically with malice. Take back your power and place your trust in God. It is time to stop playing politics and start helping people. We are the people!
I must say that there is an undercurrent growing in people from all around the world who are believers in godliness that are doing the right things because it is the right thing to do. That is all God! “If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and heal their land.” This is a promise from God to His people. We are His people… Selah!