Together We Stand — Divided we FAIL
We are all in this melting pot together!
I am tired of addressing #45 because it is painfully obvious that whatever he is he will never even come close to changing his ways. Therefore it is time to address the people that are following him that might consider a change. If you can’t see what division is doing to our country then perhaps you don’t like the idea of what America has been trying to accomplish for hundreds of years. I could complain about all the wrong things about this country but I would rather encourage us to build upon what we have and who we would like to become because last I checked, none of us have a new country to flee to.
As an African American, I will not be returning to the place of my roots. Mexicans and other Hispanics do not wish to return to the places of their roots. And quite frankly I don’t think the Irish, English, French, Swedish, Norwegian, or even German Americans intend to return to their home origins. So since we are committed to living in this vast land together we must make it a great place for all of us alike. I am almost certain that the original Native American Tribes that were so brutally displaced by our founding fathers will appreciate it if we would honor this land of their ancestry and bring it back to how they cared for it as its original caretakers.
It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to understand the simple principle of making things stronger by joining them rather than by cutting away as the individual parts which only make the unit weaker. Take a bridge and cut away at the things that hold it together. Take a rope and cut half the strings that tie it together. Take your brain and kill half the brain cells. Why not just cut half your heart away because surely you can live with just a portion of that vital organ. Divide almost anything and see if it makes that thing stronger? Since this is a well-known fact why do you suppose anyone would want to divide things that are precious in hopes of holding and keeping others down while only certain factions are allowed to prosper.
And please, do not claim that God has anything to do with such an ideology. Making America Great Again by segregating races is not even laughable. Making America segregated again by trying to maintain white privilege is the dog whistle that apparently convinced those who follow #45. If that is what they wish then go ahead and say it boldly because we have a country to fix and such factions are actually the plague that keeps it from getting healthy. There are many that follow this ideology either intentionally or because they have been bamboozled by #45’s charismatic leadership.
Although #45 was a pretty good reality TV actor, if firing people from his show was his great claim to fame then what does that say about his ability to actually lead a nation. He is so true to his character because he actually thinks that he can fire the parts of this country that he doesn’t like and that the people will go along with him. He is counting on half of his supporters being that ignorant and the other half will go along with him no matter what he decides, even shooting someone on 5th Avenue. If that is your posture then say it loud because we have a country to mend and make it healthier than it has ever been by cutting away at all the cancers that have plagued it for over four hundred years.
The rest of us, including people that grew up in nations that are from nations all around the globe, we will not ask you to leave. We just need to identify who you are so we and give you the space to be as hateful as you wish to be as a unit together with each other. Like a snake hidden in the bush, we do not want to step on your head by accident because we know your bit is lethal. We realize in a democracy you have the right to be as hateful as you wish to be so we honor your right to be as so. We only wish to give you the space that you require so the rest of us can build something that repels your sting once bitten.
As a believer in Almighty God, I know that this world was created upon the theme of love. God put Himself in everything that He made so it would work seamlessly together in peace and harmony. The entire universe has been around millions of years and it has not destroyed itself because love and harmony keep it in motion. The delicate balance of nature keeps this planet operating because our Creator made it that way intentionally. The idea was that we love one another and help one another so no one would need to suffer because there is enough for everyone if we would only become our brother and sister’s keeper. If this system were designed by our Creator to operate in such a way of togetherness then it would likewise fail when divided of any of its essential members. Perhaps #45 did not learn that when he was in private school? It’s okay, pretty soon he will return to being a private citizen and we will no longer need to be concerned about him. History will have quite a few things to say about him and how his presidency operated during his term of service.
So here is the deal… America is a melting pot of people of all nationalities, cultures, races, and other ideological divides. Most people here love this rainbow coalition because it represents our planet. There is no other democratic nation on the planet that is as diverse and offers everyone the opportunity to share in the American dream. Yes, we have to fix the racial disparity that has existed since the days of slavery but that is our order at hand. Things will not get better without us intentionally fixing it. We cannot sweep things under the rug and hope it will go away. The conversation about race has to be placed on the first order of business by all our leaders. We must identify where the problems exist and place laws and rules to combat any injustices that are so painfully obvious to all who suffer. So far we have turned a blind eye to this cancer.
Lady liberty is not blind. The criminal justice system is not fair and just. Freedom, liberty, and justice for all have never been the norm in this country. We can fix this but it has to be done from the bottom upward and not from the top down because those at the top do not want to give up their unearned privileges. If we truly believe in what is printed on our currency, In God We Trust, then the change required would not be by our hands solely because we will have divine help from the Divine Helper.
Never before in the history of this country have we reached this reflection point where we have the opportunity to create real change… not just a temporary bandage, but real changes that will make this land a great land for all its citizens. Our white sisters and brothers will have to demand this change and no longer sit on the sidelines and say, ‘what a horrible thing that is done to our people of color.’ Only the white majority can insist upon change because they simply have the numbers that can demand their elected officials to make it so. Godly people know this and I am not counting on people just because they are white, I am counting on people that love God including all His people.
And one final point: Do not be deceived by these people who stand with this president and claim to represent God. God says a house divided cannot stand. “Every kingdom divided against itself will be ruined, and every city or household divided against itself will not stand.” Matthew 12:25
God says you cannot dine with Him and His adversary at the same table. “You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons too; you cannot have a part in both the Lord’s table and the table of demons.” 1 Corinthians 10:21
Perhaps those Evangelicals missed these scriptures in their bible study lessons. If #45 wants to divide people, divide the nation, and the Evangelicals stand in support of him then that tells you all you need to know about their representation of Almighty God. That is not the God most of us know that they serve.
God has provided us with a window of opportunity to finally get things right in this country. The seed of democracy was whispered in the foundation blocks of this country from the very beginning but the enemy knows how dangerous that would be because people would actually learn to live amongst each other and love one another and do all those noble things that God wants us to do. From the very beginning, Satan has had a hand in dividing this nation and #45 seems to be leading the charge today. Let those who have ears to hear feel the Spirit’s word. Together we stand with God and divided we most certainly will fail.
May God bless America… Selah!