Wisdom, Folly, and Leadership
10 “Dead flies putrefy the perfumer’s ointment and cause it to give off a foul odor; So does a little folly to one respected for wisdom and honor. 2 A wise man’s heart is at his right hand, But a fool’s heart at his left. 3 Even when a fool walks along the way, He lacks wisdom, And he shows everyone that he is a fool. 4 If the spirit of the ruler rises against you, Do not leave your post; For conciliation pacifies great offenses. 5 There is an evil I have seen under the sun, As an error proceeding from the ruler: 6 Folly is set in great dignity, While the rich sit in a lowly place. 7 I have seen servants on horses, While princes walk on the ground like servants. 8 He who digs a pit will fall into it, And whoever breaks through a wall will be bitten by a serpent. 9 He who quarries stones may be hurt by them, And he who splits wood may be endangered by it.” NKJV
I was asked to teach on this passage. Although I do not see myself as a teacher of the Word of God, He has given me a measure of wisdom and discernment that I am happy to share with those who might not have acquired such. My only advantage if any at all is the amount of time I spend in the Word of God. He tells us the closer we draw near to Him the closer He draws near to us. God is in control of such things but we must allow ourselves to be drawn near otherwise it will not be done for us.
My message previously spoke of such things but this passage of scripture tells it more poetically. That rotten smell coming out of the highest office is petrifying the entire nation, the whole world even. So does a little foolishness fouls up especially those whom we respect for leadership. Respect is earned so I have not seen that as of yet coming from our current leadership.
Symbolically the right hand is thought to be the godly side while the left is not. It has nothing to do with which hand you use as your dominant hand. Christ is said to have sat at the right hand of God. God separates the sheep to the right and the goat to the left. Those are spiritual and religious symbols only.
The way you know a fool is by the way he acts and carries him or herself. They don’t know any better. A skunk is a skunk and they stink. That is the only way they can be because that is what they are. Likewise a fool.
However, if a ruler happens to be a fool and he rises against you, do not allow him to change you into what he is, and do not act as he does, nor should you respond in kind because in doing so you become foolish which are the actions of a fool. If you see two people standing on a corner arguing it is difficult to tell which is the fool. Therefore if a ruler rises or says bad things about you, show your godliness and it will further distinguish the two. Love covers a multitude of sins. 1 Peter 4:8. Let your Godliness shine its light by its own power.
Yes, there are things we see coming from our leaders that to us are just downright despicable. They are harmful, hateful, ungodly, unrighteous, and all that opposes God. Since God is the one offended do you really think God needs our help defending Himself? Certainly, you are not that foolish!
As we watch these foolish leaders do foolish things, what more are we to expect of them? Not only do they reveal who they are they also reveal who they belong to and who they do not belong to. In this world, even fools and rich men are given honor by the world but not in God’s eyes. They are mere despicable fools and should be honored as such. Perhaps honor is not the correct term here. Dishonored would be more accurate but we will allow the Judge to make that call. This world does appear to place the low in high places, and the high in low places. Just as they do the poor and pure in heart. God will make the proper adjustments come judgment time.
He who digs a pit may fall into it and harm themselves. He who slings hash may get hit by what they sling. He who commits evil shall be stung by the fangs of evil, it is unmistaken by the promises of God. In essence, you reap the harvest of what you sow. God rewards those who follow His precepts and commandments but punishes those who willfully act against Him. You need not judge or try to defend God. He is quite capable of handling all of His affairs.
Ultimately God wants His children to lean upon Him, His wisdom m, leadership, guidance, and even advice on how to live a Spirit-filled life on the earth. This message is not only written in this particular book of the Holy Bible by King Solomon but is the undercurrent of the entire Holy Bible. Should anyone wish to sidetrack or otherwise circumvent the Maker of heavens and earth will ultimately pay the cost of going against God.
I may not be an ordained minister or pastor but God has put His word and wisdom in me that serves His purposes for those I have been appointed to reach. My chore and challenge is following His indwelling Spirit as faithfully and obediently as possible. If this helps you, give God the glory and we can call it a fair exchange. To His glory, I live, breathe, and have my being. To almighty God be the glory… Selah!