Your Heavenly Father Beckons You
Be exceedingly happy when God gets your attention… The alternative is not very good and the consequences could be absolutely eternal. Albeit in good times or in bad, through happiness or sad, when God beckons you it is from the love of the ultimate parent reaching out to His precious child. James, the brother Jesus said it this way:
“Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.”
If God accepts you as His child He will reach out to you giving you the opportunity to counsel with Him. If you lack anything it is upon you to make your request known to God, who gives generously to all without finding fault. James says it will be given to you. I can’t answer for others but I tend to accept God’s Word as the truth.
For some time now it appears that God has been doing things to get my attention. It is as clear as daylight to me but that does not mean that I know of any secrets about how to communicate with God. I do as most of us, through prayer or otherwise sending my thoughts and request to God not knowing if, how or when they might be answered. In fact, I find it frustrating at times because I would like to receive His answers in plain language that I can totally understand without a doubt. That is not usually how God speaks with me. God IS Spirit… it is through that medium we are to reach out to Him. To expect some sort of physical manifestation is not the order of Spirit. Faith is a language of Spirit, but you must believe that God exists before you can know Him. Those who believe in God know when He is reaching out to them and respond to His unspoken call.
How does one respond to a call from God?
The simple answer is in reverence and through humility with a clean heart. If anyone is serious about responding to God they need only read the Psalms, Proverbs, Song of Solomon, or a number of books of scripture to see how other loyal servants approached God through their written prayers and petitions. Look at how King Solomon prayed to God or his father King David? Both were sinners with tremendous wealth and power. There are countless examples of God’s chosen servants responding to God throughout the Holy Bible. You don’t need to reinvent something when it is already there in writing for you. Why do you think the Bible was written? God inspired man to tell His story in print so all would have access to wisdom, knowledge and acquire understanding. If you want to know how to respond to God simply learn from His servants as written in the Word.
How does God speak with us?
Many will challenge the Bible as the actual spoken words of God. For those who do not believe as such this becomes an irrelevant argument. Anyone that refuses to believe in God in spite of the available evidence has a reception problem. Their hearts are not ready to receive Him so no matter what comes their way they are simply not ready to receive. Those who believe in God know: Christ said, “My sheep listen to my voice; I know them and they follow Me.” He also said, “No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws them near.” In essence, God knows the hearts and minds of each of us. If we do not wish to receive Him He will not force the issue. Having already seen the ends of our story He waits the appropriate time, if ever, and calls again.
There are some who are not exposed to godly wisdom by traditional means. That does not mean that God does not communicate with them directly through their internal spirit and soul. God, the Maker of all, communicates to us, the made, through measures that only God has. His inner knowing comes from a place that is beyond earthly means and need not use spoken words to reach the intended. You are an eternal spiritual being having a human experience. God is the Supreme Spirit that gave you life and being. He does not need to speak to mortal flesh in order to contact the eternal soul that He alone holds accountable for the life He granted. When He beckons your eternal soul that knows its’ maker.
God’s Reach is Immeasurable
On a very basic level, God has many means of contacting you in the flesh. As Divine Spirit, there are no barriers that block God other than His own. Since God is in all things He made, He can freely use them according to His will. God is in nature, animals, plants, the oceans, tides, the sky, air and even in people. Should God want to get a message to you, you would have more trouble not receiving His message than receiving.
“The heavens declare the Glory of God; the skies proclaim the works of His hands.” “Like clay in the hands of the potter, so are you in my hands, declared the Lord.”
There can be no question about if God can get a divine message to us but more in are you willing and able to receive what comes from Him. I remember as I child when I knew that I had done something wrong how guilty I must have looked to my parents. Very little had to be communicated in words from either the parent or the child because intuitively everyone knew what was happening. If mere mortals have this power of intuition, imagine how much more God has to go along with His omnipotence. You are literally an open book to God, not one thing goes unknown. Therefore, as Brother James wrote, consider it pure joy whenever you are facing trials and tribulations because more than likely God is trying to get your attention in order to teach you something or to turn you around from the direction you are headed. He might even just want to assure you that He loves you. “This is my child in whom I am well pleased!”
As I was praying this morning before completing this essay I confessed to God that even though I can write these inspirational messages, and I believe He inspires them, I also think it is important to tell my fellow believers how difficult it is to have complete faith and trust in God. This is not intended to be disrespectful but to be true to one’s self. I personally have my doubts and fears that seem to peck away at my flesh. My mind wants to get me to doubt God. I personally have to fight my own mind in order to hold on to my thin threads of faith. God knows this as well so, in spite of all my doubts and fears, I still choose God. My choice comes from a deeper place from within me than I know how to express, certainly beyond the strength of this mortal flesh. So for me, in spite of all my doubts and fears, I still choose God. Into His most capable hands I surrender my immortal soul. All praise to the Most High God… Selah!